We are a small congregation located in Matthews, Missouri. We desire to be the church that you read about in the Bible. Our intent is to speak where the Bible speaks and remain silent where the Bible is silent and to submit to God’s will as communicated in His word. Our goal is to worship and practice our faith with the simplicity and sincerity of the church that is described in the New Testament. Visitors to our congregation can expect to see the following during our Worship Service:

Singing - We will sing as part of our worship service. Songbooks are located on the back of the pews. You may notice we don’t use instruments. Feel free to participate in the singing with us.

Prayers - There will be several prayers during our Worship service. One of the men of our congregation will lead the prayer while the other members stand or sit quietly.

Lord’s Supper (Communion) - The Lord’s Supper is observed every Sunday. A prayer will be offered for the bread which represents the body of Christ on the cross. Plates of unleavened bread will be passed among those present. Afterward, a prayer will be offered for the grape juice which represents the blood that Christ shed on the cross. Each participant takes the cup, drinks from it, returns it to the tray and then passes to the next person. Visitors to our congregation are welcome to participate in partaking of the Lord’s Supper, but also may choose not to participate.

Offering - During the Worship service, at some point there will be a monetary collection where members of the congregation are able to give their offering to support the work of the church. Visitors should not feel obligated to give, but may if they would like to do so.

Sermon - The minister will deliver a sermon from God’s word. Usually the sermon will be about 25-35 minutes in length and will be based on biblical teaching.